Department Association
Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)
The Association of Civil Engineering students (ACES) was formed in 2010 with the primary aim of exposing potential Civil Engineers to the challenges of the profession with both students and faculty as its members.
Academic Year 2019-2020
The Civil Engineering Association activities for the year 2019 – 2020 (ACES 2019) was inaugurated by Er. T N Mini, Executive Engineer, LSGD, Ernakulam. The function was presided by Prof. Dr. M. Mohamed Sitheeq, Principal, ICET and felicitated by Prof. Dr. P Velumani and Mr. Shaji M Jamal, Civil Engineering Department, ICET.

Association of Civil Engineering has conducted Software Development Programmes for Civil Engineering Students. Expert talks were conducted to allow students to practice new information. Professional talk from Matrix Engineering solutions has conducted to have the attitude that they need to make others feel that they are Professional.